About Us

We are a multi service Fire Department serving some 503 square miles of Central Washington. Our make up is primarily rural with a population estimated at 15,574. We serve the communities of Quincy, Winchester, Low Gap, George, Sunland Estates, Trinidad and Crescent Bar.

We operate out of 8 Fire Station locations that house 40 pieces of apparatus. In 2022 we responded to 1,141 alarms, 702 of those were Emergency Medical Service calls. These activities require trained personnel. Our department presently has 60 volunteer firefighters, 31 Community Support Division volunteers, 3 Commissioners and 13 Full Time Career positions. These are people like you willing to give their time in service to their community.

  • approx. 503 sq. miles of farmland, residential, and wildland to protect
  • approx. 15,574 people to protect
  • 40 different pieces of apparatus to respond to all different types of calls:
    – Medical Aid
    – Vehicle Accidents
    – Wildland Fires
    – Structural Fires
    – Hazardous Materials
    – Biological Hazards
  • Areas we serve are: Quincy, Winchester, Block 71, Low Gap, George, Sunland, and Crescent Bar.
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