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News and Notices

Here’s the latest news and notices for Grant County Fire District #3

May/June Newsletter

Wildfire season is coming! And with that, we need to be prepared for it. Wildfires have become increasingly common in wildland/urban interface (WUI) areas as more people move to remote areas, creating an environment where fire can move readily between structures and vegetation. Our emergency response to these areas can be difficult. There is no guarantee that we can save all the homes and structures if a wildland fire occurs. It’s imperative that property owners in our WUI areas understand the risks and prepare appropriately.
The Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) includes the home and adjacent surroundings within 100-200 feet. The relationship between the home and all material surrounding the home, including neighboring homes, ultimately determines what treatments are required. The ignition potential of HIZ largely influences the effectiveness of protection during a wildfire. Our goal is to have homes prepared for wildfire by reducing the ignition potential before a fire occurs.

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EMS Levy Pro and Con Committee Notice

Grant County Fire Protection District No. 3 recently adopted Resolution No. 24 04 01 providing for the submission to the voters on August 6, 2024, a proposition authorizing the District to continue its six-year EMS levy at a rate of $.38 per thousand of assessed valuation for collection beginning in 2026. The District is accepting names of people interested in participating in voter pamphlet statement pro and con committees for either or both ballot measures.

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March/April 2024

As we embrace the arrival of spring, it’s essential to remain vigilant against the unique fire hazards that accompany this season. While the warmer weather brings opportunities for outdoor activities and renewal, it also presents potential risks that demand our attention. Here are a few key tips to help us navigate springtime fire prevention effectively:

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Santa Parades

Come one, come all to our annual Fire District’s Santa Parade! It’s that time of year again when Santa joins the firefighters to spread holiday cheer throughout the neighborhood. Listen for the sirens and come out to see Santa. 

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